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Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to get fit by exercising LESS

photo credit from the

Here are some simple steps to get fit by exercising LESS!

1. Exercise every day.
Not 3-4 times a week. Not every-other-day. Exercise every day. If not, you’ll tire yourself out deciding when to skip and when to workout. If you commit to doing something every day, you don’t have to take that extra step of deciding “yes” or “no.”
2. Keep it short and sweet.
Thirty minutes every day? Totally achievable!
(For 30 minute workout suggestions, CLICK HERE)
3. Mix it up.
Back when we were cave people, one day was spent wandering for hours looking for berries while the next was spent sprinting away from a tiger. Hopefully you're not being chased by tigers today, but much like our cave-dwelling ancestors, our bodies are programmed to move in many different ways.
Switching up your exercise every day not only keeps you from getting bored with any one thing, it’s also totally natural.
4. Eliminate obstacles.
Even those of us with the best intentions often find ourselves distracted by everyday obstacles when it comes to daily exercise.
My solution? Set my workout clothes out the night before next to my bed, wake up, drink some water, eat a pre-made snack (or just have some fruit), and do my workout at home before everyone else wakes up or get out to the gym within 15 mins tops! No checking Facebook, emails, no laundry, no dishes, no nothing. 

This approach avoids all barriers to just getting started or out the door and doing it, the most important first step you can take.

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